- Monday-Sunday (6am to 10pm )
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SSI stands for Small Scale Industries and MSME stands for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise. Such companies and establishment if registered under MSMED Act reap various benefits. Be it excise tax exemption or direct tax, be it capital investment subsidies or power tariff subsidies, you gain all these benefits if yours is an SSI or MSME company. To register under these banners, a manufacturing unit can’t have investment more than 10 crores while the service industry can’t have an investment more than 5 crores. The registration needs to be cancelled immediately if the given threshold is crossed by your units.
You need to submit the following documents-
After these documents have been submitted, VcourTs will proceed with the application process. As every state has its specific directives and documents requirement, we might ask you for additional documents. Within almost two weeks, you will get a provisional certificate and after the plant gets operational, a permanent certificate will be sent to you.